Seems like many members are loving the me2everyone that has emerged and you are already making new friends. For the first time GE members are talking to each other and fresh feedback is emerging. Many members have taken on the feeling of ownership and we're encouraging this. After all, shareholders own a company and we have very open ears to any suggestions you have. You will see how much we have listened today as the team start fixing all the bugs you found over the weekend.
me2everyone wants to thank you for all your emails and during the coming weeks all should be clear with many questions answered by the web site and the launch of our global Customer Care network. You will appreciate that we have a very large volume of emails coming in daily and it's almost impossible to answer them all in a timely fashion. We ask that you bear with us please. When the Customer Care network is recruited we will have far more people ready to answer your questions by email, phone and online chat.
If you have suggested ideas, these will be duly considered by the Global Executive and, should any of your ideas be adopted then you will be informed and rewarded thanks to our Pro-active Member Rewards scheme. Any interesting web sites that you have found will be examined and utilised, if appropriate. Our team has already researched hundreds of websites and we have bank of ideas ready for development to make me2everyone a truly exciting and constantly evolving place. We will be making weekly updates to the website, keeping it fresh and giving us the widest possible audience.
Please remember that me2everyone is still in an embryonic stage of development and will incorporate may of the ideas proposed by you, its members. These are all very exciting times and we are looking to ensure that the infrastructure is in place, step by step, before proceeding to the next stage. We aim to update the latest news on the website at least once per day. Of course some days it may be impossible, but if you visit there first you will discover many answers to questions you have.
If you ever email me2everyone, it will be placed in a queue. We will either answer you directly or include your questions in a news item, if we think many more people would like to know the answer. Naturally questions personal to you will be responded only to you.
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