Perhaps today, perhaps tomorrow me2everyone achieves the milestone of half a million members. At the very second someone becomes member number 500,000 a whole stack of things has to happen.
Firstly that member will be thrust into the limelight and 500,000 shares will be added to their account. They will be asked to speak to one of our Press Officers who will write up an article. At the same time the person who introduced this member will also receive 500,000 bonus shares and be in contact with the same Press Officer.
Meanwhile the 10m share race comes to a dramatic end as we take a snapshot of the top 2000 recruiters. Very quickly we will announce the key winners and for a whole week one of our colleagues will be adding a combined 88.5m bonus shares to the accounts of our winners and their introducers. Our Press officers will be on hand to discover recruiting tips and share these with all members. Personal stories will emerge and no doubt new friendships will be formed.
We’ve also said that at the 500,000th member we would end the current offer of 5,000 shares for each introduction. Well, we expect a flurry of activity this week and so we are keeping the 5,000 share award open for a while longer – think of it as a consolation prize for not winning. Still what a prize! In the years to come, based on our projections those 5000 shares could be worth GBP £2900. I the next few days we will give you the date and time when the 5000 bonus ends and what replaces it.
Good Luck!
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